Primary Program Curriculum
Practical Life
In a Montessori primary classroom, practical life activities play a vital role in fostering children's lifelong development. These activities aim to promote mastery, independence, and care for the environment. Within the Montessori work cycle, children engage in purposeful tasks that involve complex motor sequences. Through repeated practice, children develop competence, concentration, and refine their fine and gross motor skills while taking responsibility for their immediate surroundings.
Through the study of seasons, children observe and analyze the cyclical changes in weather, plant life, and animal behavior, fostering an understanding of the interconnectedness of living organisms and their environment. They engage in hands-on experiments and investigations to explore the properties of water, gaining insights into its vital role in sustaining life and developing a sense of responsibility for its conservation. Immersed in the natural world, children embark on nature walks, observe plants, insects, and animals firsthand, fostering a deep connection and respect for the diverse ecosystems around them.
Science and Nature Education
The Montessori Method provides children with a solid foundation in quantitative understanding and the ability to recognize and analyze patterns. Montessori materials and activities play a crucial role in this process. Through a variety of hands-on materials, children engage in concrete experiences that help them grasp abstract mathematical concepts. These materials, such as the Montessori Number Rods and Golden Beads, offer visual and tactile representations that enable children to understand the relationships between numbers and quantities.
Sensorial education in the Montessori primary classroom is designed to help children develop and refine their senses while exploring the universal properties of the world around them. Through a series of carefully crafted materials, children progress from simple to more complex activities that engage their senses. These materials provide opportunities for children to refine their perception of qualities such as color, shape, size, texture, sound, taste, and smell. The materials also incorporate a built-in control of error, allowing children to self-correct and learn independently. This fosters a sense of self-confidence and self-discipline as children gain mastery over their senses and develop a keen awareness of the environment.
Music & Movement
Maria Montessori based her teaching on the belief that music should be integrated into all aspects of Montessori teaching. She emphasized that music has a significant impact on children's learning and development. By engaging with music, children learn to actively listen and focus their attention. The structured nature of music, with its different notes and sequential patterns, aids children in understanding sequences, thus enhancing their problem-solving skills. Montessori recognized that music provides a valuable avenue for promoting cognitive growth and fostering important skills in young learners.
Sensorial education in the Montessori primary classroom is designed to help children develop and refine their senses while exploring the universal properties of the world around them. Through a series of carefully crafted materials, children progress from simple to more complex activities that engage their senses. These materials provide opportunities for children to refine their perception of qualities such as color, shape, size, texture, sound, taste, and smell. The materials also incorporate a built-in control of error, allowing children to self-correct and learn independently. This fosters a sense of self-confidence and self-discipline as children gain mastery over their senses and develop a keen awareness of the environment.
Language learning is viewed as an essential tool for communication, self-expression, and cognitive development. Through a combination of native Mandarin speaking teachers, interactive materials, and language-rich environments, children are exposed to Mandarin language immersion, allowing them to develop fluency and proficiency in the language. Bilingualism is a standard for children of our bilingual program. Through storytelling, role-playing, and engaging with literature, children develop language skills, critical thinking, and creativity.